Eclipse marketplace in STS

Turn off from Eclipse: loading time (and few others).
STS has a nice and short load time (compared).

But I found out I can’t seem to find Eclipse Marketplace which I liked, as it’s one of the most prominent ways to install plugins to Eclipse. Since that makes life easier to have such place to look for tools if I need them, I searched STS and…

And I wanted colors. Just as Bartosz did.

So, I searched and found, that if you want to have Eclipse MarketPlace in STS, you need to install the extension to have it.

Dashboard > Extensions > Eclipse MarketPlace > there you go

sceenshot from STS forums

Some Googling shows the answer as well (click to enlarge)

Link, if the image won’t show.

FreeMind demo

FreeMind (sudo apt-get install freemind) is a tool of my choice. Below a screen showing how easy it is to create a mind map with it. Below some facts about me, that I want to put in my CV (in more detail though). Idea came to me when we were asked to introduce ourselves via mind-maps during English classes.

FreeMind demo

What’s a mind map? I’ll let pictures answer.

Sadly, to be honest, I’m yet to find a (computer) tool that will allow create maps like one below. Other than paper and pencil(s) and scanner, that is.

PS.Mind-map Art has some good map examples.